建築家、演出家、照明家、エキシビションデザイナー、フェスティバルデザイナー、合同会社SOIHOUSE代表。建築を起点に、美術・音楽・モード・大学教育といったジャンルを横断しながら、オランダ3年、スリランカ1年、タイ13年を経て2016年より東京を拠点に活動、’21年春まで日本科学未来館専門職兼務。タイではBig Mountain Music Festivalの’01年の初年度から10年に渡りデザインディレクター.。またWonderfruit Festivalの初回’15年から続くMoram Bus exhibition and stageの設計、また2022年は同フェスのThe Quarry空間実施設計、照明・映像・レーザーの設計・オペレーション。クリエイティブディレクターとしてThe New Japan Islands / SXSW2019(米国、オースチン市)においてBest immersive Awardを受賞。現在大阪・関西万博/ 2025、石黒浩プロデュース、シグネチャーパビリオン「いのちの未来」建築・展示空間ディレクター。
Architect, director, lighting designer, exhibition designer, festival designer, and representative of SOIHOUSE Inc. With a foundation in architecture, he works in fields as diverse as art, music, fashion, and university education. After living in the Netherlands for three years, Sri Lanka for one year, and Thailand for thirteen years, he based himself in Tokyo in 2016 and, until 2021, was also a specialist at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan). In the role of festival design, he was the design director of Big Mountain Music Festival / Thailand and designed Moram Bus exhibition and stage / Wonderfruit Festival / Thailand both since the first year of them. Then also had directed the quarry / Wonderfruit Festival ’22. Beside he got the best immersive award with The New Japan Islands / SXSW2019 as the creative director and is struggling for ‘future of life’ / signature pavilion produced by ISHIGURO Hiroshi / Expo 2025 Osaka as the Architectural director.