Yuka Mizuhara

Yuka Mizuhara

DJ、音楽制作に取り組む、Wetイベントオーガナイザー、ヴォーカリスト。憧れのミュージシャンやDJ達とレコーディングセッションしながらアルバムリリースに向けて活動している。趣味は鳥観察。NTS radioのWave flower から毎月DJミックスを配信中。

Yuka is a model, DJ, singer & trackmaker. She loves digging records that soulful minded, deep ambiential sound of music. There are the archives of all of her mixes from “Wave Flower” on NTS. Now she joins the music master Haruomi Hosono’s performance and some his project. Jammin on the track together with DJs and musicians whom she really admires. Her début album is coming up next year.